Two Shows, Two Sales

Some fun updates today! 300 Plates Show at Art Access Gallery The gallery that hosted my group show in February invited me to participate in their annual fundraiser show, “300 Plates”. It was a fun experience! Each invited artist is given one or two...

Post Cards, A Year In Review

So, a year ago January I decided to start an experiment. I would design a brand new, one-of-a-kind post card every month, create signed and numbered prints, and mail it each month to subscribers. I’d like to thank my first subscribers for taking that brave step...

Making Progress

In a week from Friday, I’m due to deliver my art to Art Access Gallery for the “Strong Women” show. Four paintings done, two in progress, and one blank canvas left. The blank canvas may go towards my Springville Museum of Art entry instead of this...

Preparing for a Show

You feel that? It’s the echoes of the past! For the first time since college, I have an art deadline!   I’m one of five artists invited to participate in a group show at Art Access Gallery in February! The show is called Strong Women, and the artists...

2014: Looking Forward

Last year’s goals were more specific than goals I had made in the past… and were more focused on illustration, graphic design and licensing. I may incorporate some of those goals this year, too… but my shift in focus to more fine art means a goals...