by Jen | Jan 22, 2016 | Uncategorized
Too much is going on! My kids’ schedules are getting increasingly busy, and the amount of things I want to accomplish in my morning work time has increased by a boy-howdy amount. Exponential? Something like that. Hubby’s school schedule this semester is...
by Jen | Jan 11, 2016 | Uncategorized
This is me remembering that one of my resolutions this year (as last year, though I stank at it) is to blog more. o_o I used to be much better at this, but then my favorite blogging platform, LiveJournal, used to have a lot more activity than it does anymore....
by Jen | Jan 5, 2016 | Uncategorized
So here are my plans for the year…! I’ll surely add to and subtract from this list, but quite a few of these are goals that MUST be accomplished, rather than things I hope to get done. Which is a bit of a change from prior years! ART Have 20 paintings...
by Jen | Jan 4, 2016 | Uncategorized
I like to make a practice of reviewing my progress at the end of the year/beginning of the next. It helps me put my work in perspective, and gives me motivation to set goals for the coming year. Thus, this brief reflection! This year was as hard as last, in its own...
by Jen | Oct 9, 2015 | Uncategorized
Had a productive painting day today! But as I was scraping off my pallette today I realized… I’m taking too long to clean up. I bought my current palette after I ran out of my disposable palette sheets that I had from college. I never really bought a...