So here are my plans for the year…! I’ll surely add to and subtract from this list, but quite a few of these are goals that MUST be accomplished, rather than things I hope to get done. Which is a bit of a change from prior years!

Have 20 paintings ready for show in May
Have 30 paintings ready by July, for potential other show
Prepare and create Yellowstone-themed body of landscape work
Decide whether or not to enter other one-off juried shows:
World of the Wild
Springville Museum of Art Spring Salon
36 coloring pages (3 coloring pages/month) posted to Patreon
Compile fantasy creatures coloring book
Finish Yellowstone Activity Book
12 art lessons for Patreon
12 post cards, 1/month
Attend Gallery Stroll

Wishful thinking:
Create dummy for “No Way Day” children’s book
Continue dog breed project; expand to coloring page market

I want to do a bit more of this. The art must take priority, but I’m going to put this on the top of the list of Things To Do When I Need An Art Break.

Blogging: I need to post more blogs. It will just help with everything else that’s going on.
Songseeker: I’d like to wrap this one up! It’s at 57,000 words now, and I can see it taking another 20,000 at least to wrap it up. Then it needs a break, and revisions.

Finish 2 unfinished objects
Make progress on denim quilt

We tore out the asphalt patch in the back yard, and I want to build some planter boxes for that space. My pie-in-the-sky wish is to turn that whole space into vegetable gardening, with a space for a dutch-oven-cooking fire pit.