State of the Bird, February Edition

I think I’m settling into my new routine! Every other weekday I have a “studio day” where I can work solely on my work. (This week it was “Crow Thoughts”.) I think I’m still adjusting, though… The hard thing about working at...

2012 Recommended Reading

I didn’t read as much this past year as I’m accustomed to, and my reading focus was different from my usual. I read more career-related books and less fiction than I usually do… but the fiction I read was fun. Here’s a list of books I read this...

Summer Reading

I don’t have a lot of news on the art front, except that my son and I are putting together a body of work for a show in August (!!) which we’re calling “Art With Words”. (August 17-18 on the upstairs porch of the Chase Home Museum of Utah Folk...