State of the Bird: October is HERE edition

Yesterday, in a fit of slump, I invited Twitter followers to give me prompts for quick-sketches, and over the course of half an hour, I had the following: Bad phone photos, here… and all of them very quick sketches. I had a lot of fun doing them, though! Thanks...

State of the Bird, End of September Edition

The website is tweaked and running! I’m happy with the new look, and (more importantly) with the updating method and gallery page! Now to add Google Analytics and figure out what to do with the information I glean… The studio space has been woefully...

State of the Bird: End of 3rd Week of School Edition

So the boys and husband have been in school for three weeks as of today. It has taken about this long to really get my schedule down. I have three hours every morning, as soon as I get the kids to school, to work! My first 20 minutes after I get back are exercise...

State of the Bird, Back-To-School Edition

Lots of things in the works! First, and foremost… the kids are back in school, including my youngest, who is in kindergarten! They are enjoying their school very much, and things look good so far. (Only 3 days in, but hey.) This gives me three hours every...

How to break the blank-page freeze

You know the feeling. You’re ready to start a brand-new painting. You pull the plastic wrapping off the canvas (or prepare whatever ground it is you’re working on)… and there you have it. A blank, white stretch of nothing, ready for you to put your...

Patreon updates!

I just posted this bad boy to Patreon as a print-quality PDF for download, so my subscribers can print and enjoy at their leisure! Once I have a good number of these, I’ll compile them into a collection and make them available for purchase as a book. But until...