State of the Bird: Bouncing Back

Lots of things percolating in my mind. 2 months (!) of convalescence have really taken their toll on me, and now… I’m trying to balance the need to Do Things with the need to take care of myself, and not do too much before I’m ready. In other words,...

Health Update

A week ago Friday I went to the ER with a pulmonary embolism – a blood clot in the lung. Since then, I have been recuperating, Very. Slowly. Let me tell you, being told I had a pulmonary embolism was SCARY – mostly because the stories I’ve heard about...

State of the Bird: This and That

School ends in two weeks, and then begins the Summer Of No Income! Since he’s working part-time at a school, my husband has no work and therefore no income all summer. Instead, he’s taking a couple classes, working towards finishing his degree. He’s...