April’s post card!
May’s will be ready soon. Not subscribed yet? You have until May 15 to subscribe to receive May’s card!
Springville Museum of Art
This weekend is the Art Ball at the museum that is showing “Composure” in their Spring Salon…! I’m absolutely going, even though Hubby has rehearsal that night. I am both excited and not… it’s going to be a busy night, with a silent auction that I have no money to spend anything on. It’s going to be a formal dinner and dance, and I’m going without a partner. I’m going to miss my husband the whole time.
But I’m going anyway, because events like this are part of the business of fine art. This will be my first introduction to that life.
Hubby is filling in at his old work for a couple weeks, and has been gone every morning during my prime studio time. But today’s his last day subbing, so things should get back to normal. A little. Until school gets out, and then everything goes completely haywire. 😛
Mental Health and Happiness
I spent quite a bit of time this spring taking care of health issues and I’m feeling much better for it. I’m making sure I’m getting some time to myself, too. I’m (finally) taking a sewing class to learn how to use the sewing machine I bought for myself two years ago (which will probably mostly be used to mend clothes and maybe make patchwork denim quilts out of cut-off and worn-out jeans).
I’m spending much more time outside, especially now that it’s nice. I made a commitment to care for the flower beds now that my mother-in-law is having trouble doing it, and I’ve made a lot of progress. The 2-year-old likes the outside time, too.
Art Progress
“Ghost” is on the easel and I’m making okay progress on it. It’s a huge canvas and needs a lot of work, and with my low studio hours the last couple weeks, it feels pretty slow. I like how it’s going so far. I’m going to need to borrow a good camera to photograph it once it’s done. My dinky iPod camera will NOT do it justice.
I have a new canvas waiting, and I’m anxious to make more progress. I’d like to have a proposal ready to submit to a local nonprofit gallery by July 1; they’re accepting show proposals for the 2014 calendar year and I’d LOVE to have something ready to go. I’ll probably center the theme of the show around a series similar to “Composure”, because – though the fish are pretty – my “women with crazy hair” have a stronger emotional connection, I think. (Though I’ll figure out a way to slip a fish or a horse or two in, too.)