I went down to Springville today to pick up my piece that didn’t make it in to the Salon, and to see the show.
Omigosh, you guys. I cannot even describe the awesome caliber of work hanging in the Spring Salon. If anyone can get to it, do! (Not for the sake of my piece, by any means! I feel like it’s being exposed as a fraud, hanging next to some of these other works…!)
Yes, I snapped a photo: my work, hanging in one of the hallways between two of the larger galleries.
There is a Brian Kershisnik painting just inside the next room. The most awesome thing about the whole show was looking back into the hallway and seeing my painting and the Kershisnik piece at the same time.
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Oddly, when I left the museum I felt depressed. Which just shouldn’t be, my having a piece of art in one of the biggest juried shows in the state. On one hand, I was absolutely squeeing and jumping for joy — and on the other, I had just seen my art hanging next to a museum full of works by the top professionals in the state, and I really felt how much work I have ahead of me, and how much I need to improve.
But enough navel-gazing. No looking back! On to making the next piece better!
We walked a lot today, and after the museum and a large outlet mall, the 2-year-old gave up. “I sleepy,” he said, and laid down right where he was standing.
(He wasn’t really asleep. But it was hilarious.)