So the big news in my neck of the woods is that my husband is quitting his retail job in favor of increased accompanist work at the local High School for Performing Arts. Excuse me while I squee and run about the room for a moment. *kermitflail*

So. The High School will have him accompanying for four classes, but they are all on the same day (they have an alternating A-Day/B-Day schedule; so he works every other day). On the days he’s working, his hours will be about 8:30-2:30. On the other days, he’s home.

Home to work on his music publishing business (Yay!) and home to watch kids while I do ART.

Excuse me while I squee and run about the room for a moment.

This all happens in two weeks. The kids start school the last week of August. So a lot of things will be in flux, and in the meantime I’ll be figuring out how this schedule will work best. Still! AAAAH!

(The retail job has been a source of angst for us for more than a year and we’re glad to be rid of it. Though working on contract for a school makes summers a bit… interesting. We’ll see how it all works out in the end. I hope to have some residual income worked out by that time. So we’ll see!)